Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Got Goat? at Peachtree Road Race

My dad and his friend/boss both ran at the Peachtree Road Race.  You can see they had a good cheering section!  My dad wore his "got Goat?" tech shirt in the race.  We wore our "got Goat?" shirts too.  You might wonder why they look so dirty in this picture with the dads after the race....

Does this help explain it a little?  We had a fun time at the park while we waited for my Dad.
It was pretty silly rolling down the hill and sliding down the hill.
We went to the pool the day before the race and had a good time there.

Nobody asked me about my t-shirt.  Wonder why? Don't know the answer.  But my great Grandma Rose has asked for more business cards because a lot of people are asking her about her t-shirt.

We are going to put another order in at the beginning of next week.  So far there are t-shirts in Georgia, Alabama (2 cities), Michigan (5 cities), Oklahoma (2 cities), North Dakota, and New York {on their way tomorrow!}.  Plus we have an order for North Carolina and Germany so far this time around!  I hope that more people will wonder about "got Goat?" and will ask.  I think together we can help a lot of people....maybe even a whole village!

1 comment:

  1. JC was wearing his "Got Goat" shirt last week to a meeting and we got to share your story with our financial planner. He thought it was a great project. I don't know if JC has had anyone else ask about the shirt or not, though. He does wear it a lot.
