Sunday, April 17, 2011

week eight

Over Spring Break, two of my cousins came and brought money for my project.  While we were counting the money, my brother - Walker - thought they were sausages but they were really pennies wrapped up!  Thanks, Aunt Lyla!

I missed two weeks of my blogging because I had company and because I left to go to Myrtle Beach and went to North Carolina and didn't get back until Sunday.  So I ran out of time to do it.

I did get to deposit some money in that time though.  I added $182.15 to the fundraising page.  I am 25% there and I only need 75 more % to get there!  I trust in God to answer my prayers about people donating the money to help a family in a different country that are in need.  I am joyful to be doing this. 

T-shirt Update: The t-shirts are going to be light green, I think, with "Got Goat" on it.  And also how much money it will take and what the money is for "28 Farm Animals = $2000."  I will have a sample one soon.  We'll take orders then.


  1. Tshirts are being mailed to you tomorrow. I really wish I could give them to you in person. I can not wait to see what you think about them. I am very proud of you!!!!! Keep up the good work.
    hugs to you sweetie!!!!

  2. Wilson,
    Wasn't that funny when Walker thought the pennies were sausages? I am still laughing about that. Little brothers are wonderful!

    I'm anxiously waiting for my Got Goat T-Shirt. Maybe I'll wear it every Friday to raise awareness!

  3. ME TOO, can't wait for my T-Shirt! I love your blog it is so cool. I hope your mom told you about our garage sale, next weekend. We hope to raise funds and awareness! Thanks for keeping us informed!
    Love ya,
    Aunt Lyla
