Monday, May 2, 2011

about those t-shirts...

Hey, its Mom here posting in Wil's absence.  (The kid has to go to school.)  Anyway, as you can see we have t-shirt's!  Barbie did an excellent job making them for the boys and they were so excited that they wanted to wear them to church (Good Friday) the day we got them!

Barbie warned me that there might be "issues."  She had been on a forum regarding the materials she used and there were mixed reviews.

Sadly, some of the letters on Walker's shirt were peeling off by the time we dropped him off to his class at church.  Thankfully, all of Wilson's letters survived.  I handwashed Wil's shirt, laid it flat to dry, and pressed the letters on again before he wore it to school.  Its holding up perfectly.

But, that's an awful lot of steps to care for a cotton t-shirt.  So after talking with Barbie again, we decided we'd look for a screen-printer here in town.  We'll be keeping the design very similar to what you see above.  I am hoping to locate a place this week.

All that to say - hopefully we'll have news on t-shirts soon.  Also, the word on the street is that the post-wide garage sale is this coming weekend!  We thought it was later in the month.  So this might be the kick-off of the lemonade sales!

Thanks for encouraging Wilson through this and for praying for him as he strives to reach this goal for God's glory.  The day he wore his t-shirt to school, he passed out business cards to a lot of his classmates!

1 comment:

  1. How rad, that Wil has business cards! Wow! Brendan just made his first business cards and he's 15!
