Tuesday, May 24, 2011

a little bit surprising

My Aunt Lyla took this picture of the table they had set up at the garage sale this weekend.  My mom called my Great Grandma Rose today and Grandma said she is sending  $76 to add to the World Vision fundraising page.

My mom had me guess how much I thought they might have and I guessed $10.


  1. What an awesome idea... I love to see how others are helping out. You are doing a great job!!!! Love you!!!!

  2. Praise the Lord! Wilson, your poster and blog information raised a lot of awareness. Some took your business card and I am sure have looked at your site. Another is ordering a T-Shirt! The Lord is blessing you for your big heart in this fund raising project you have taken on. Wait upon the Lord and watch what happens! How exciting!
    Love you.
    Aunt Lyla
