Sunday, March 20, 2011

week number four of my adventure

I've decided to do vlog this week.  I hope you enjoy it.

Here is the first poster that I've designed.  You can down load a copy here, and print it on an 8.5x11 piece of paper to display at your work or school.


  1. had a little trouble with the video clip freezing, but LOVE LOVE LOVE the poster. Once we get a printer we are going to print and put it on our frig to remind us all to pray for you and the people your helping. Love you little guy!

  2. Love the poster Wilson I will take a picture of it at work and let you see what it looks like up there. If it's already week four, it must be time for my next contribution! Love you and the great job you are doing!

    Your vlog is a great another new way to communicate.

  3. I love the video. It was nice to see you talk about this adventure. I can not wait to see you this weekend and talk about the t-shirts. I am very proud of you. You are doing an awesome job!!! Keep up the good work. Love you bunches!!!!

  4. I am SO proud of you, Wilson! I love the vlog!

  5. Great job Wil- I really enjoy the vlog's !
    I will put a poster up in my classroom!

    Thanks for the post!
